Information on how to exhibit

Sponsorship offers an excellent route to increase your engagement with conference attendees.



Please note that exhibiting at our events is only open to Corporate members


Please note: The Exhibition is now fully booked 


Delegates at this event will primarily be CIOs, Directors and Deputy/Assistant Directors for IT, and other senior managers. They will have responsibility for either the whole or large parts of the Information Service delivery in their institutions. Their services can include providing network and telephony, business systems, virtual learning environments and all aspects of student computing, teaching and learning technologies and eLearning, communication and collaboration suites, portals, service desks and statutory and legislative requirements. They will play a major role in their institution’s strategy, and will have procurement and purchasing responsibilities.


decorative image of the UCISA23 booking pack
UCISA23 Exhibitor booking pack 


decorative image of the UCISA23 HANDBOOK
UCISA23 Exhibitor Handbook